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Postpartum Care Kit

Postpartum Care Kit

Hey mamas-to-be!

Carissa here,

When I had my first two babies I hadn't even thought about postpartum care for myself. I was just thrown into new baby life and trying to meet their needs and care for them. When I was pregnant with my third, I decided that I needed to take better care of myself after birth and researched some things to make my own little post-birth care kit! I noticed that this time around, my healing was easier and faster and my mood was much better overall! I could definitely tell a big difference. 

Here are my postpartum must-haves compiled in one place as a resource for you! 


1.) Milk Moon Tonics 

Milk Moon Postpartum Restorative Tonic

"This divinely tart and sweet syrup combines nutrient dense, iron-building herbs with restorative adaptogens. Designed to support the body in maintaining a state of health and vitality after pregnancy."

I bought 3 bottles of these and used them for the first three months postpartum! Tasted so good too! As well as these other 2 tonics below also made by milk moon.

Milk Moon The Milky Way

"This double-duty formula combines milk boosting galactagogues with calming nervines to relax both mama and baby. Perfect for late afternoon and evening when milk supply is lower and baby is fussy

Milk Moon Cloud Nine

"Postpartum adjustment can be a roller coaster ride of emotions. This uplifting formula provides a gentle boost for the difficult days."


2.) Honey Pot Postpartum Pads 


100% Organic Post-Partum Pads

These pads are the most amazing infused pads that are 100% organic cotton. They changed the game for me in my healing after having my last baby. They were perfect for my pre-made 'padsicle' because they are infused with lavender, rose, mint and aloe essential oils. You only need to spray them with witch hazel and pop them in the freezer for later use, after giving birth. The vagina is the most absorbent organ in a woman’s body so combining the anti-inflammatory properties of essential oils and the cold compress make these cooling pads incredibly healing and soothing. "The powerful combination of postpartum witch hazel and the soothing properties of lavender, rose oil, aloe and other essential oils give your vagina the love it deserves and needs." 

More instructions here, 'Padsciles


3.) Sitz Bath Soak



Thena Sitz Bath Soak

"19-in-1 extra gentle formula with soothing healing benefits to help reduce discomfort and speed recovery. Formulated with nutrient rich plant-based oils - organic coconut oil, organic sweet almond oil, therapeutic lavender & grapefruit essential oils deeply hydrate and moisturize, promoting soothing relief. The healing herbal botanicals of calendula, comfrey and yarrow help promote fast recovery for moms after labour, provide the best all natural postpartum care."

A "Sitz Bath" or warm-water bath covering the lower part of the body is commonly used to help heal hemorrhoids, bowel issues, and infections but it also offers comfort to postpartum mothers as well! This isn't a hot and steamy bath, it's usually warm/lukewarm water (sometimes even cold water) and meant to sooth and promote recovery after labour and delivery. I loved this sitz bath so much. Not only do I think it helped speed up my recovery, but it also helped with post birth cramps and hormonal temp swings. 


4.) Afterease Herbal Supplement 

 Wishgarden Herbs AfterEase

"Just when you think the contractions are behind you, after-birth contractions kick in.  After-birth contractions, are normal, temporary, and common, particularly for those who have had multiple births. AfterEase relaxes your spasming uterus and calms your body so you can enjoy those first few days of warm snuggles and baby bliss."

I kept this on my bedside table and I would squirt some right under my tongue and hold it there for a moment before swallowing. It drastically helped with my after-birth contractions while my baby was nursing for the first couple weeks after labor.


5.) Organic Cotton Robe

Organic Cotton Robe

I love a good organic cotton robe that's breathable and cozy. I lived in my robe after I gave birth. It's so easy to nurse in and much simpler than having to change clothes because of breastmilk or spit up or sweat or changing your postpartum pads more frequently (I know, so glamorous) days/weeks after birth. This is a great option that isn't too expensive and they have so many color options. And you might want to buy two becuase one is always dirty lol!


A few other tips:

+ Make sure you have a water bottle you love and makes it easy to stay hydrated as your body is flushing out fluid and stabilizing your hormones. Here's a great one

+ Protein rich snacks: this is soooo helpful when breastfeeding to keep close/by your bedside. I love beef jerky/beef sticks, gelatin gummies, granola bars, and bone broth to sip on.

+ Have grace with yourself! Postpartum can be deeply emotional and draining but equally as holy and beautiful. Make space for intentional care for yourself as you are caring for your sweet little one. Whether that's drawing up a sitz bath, sipping on a nutrient dense smoothie, or taking extra naps between feedings. You were made for this mama.


I hope these tidbits of information help you in your healing time during postpartum! And know that every mama is different just as every baby is different. You might need more or less of somethings but I hope you feel surrounded and cared for during this sacred and amazingly beautiful time. 

with love,


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